The Delta Companies Celebrates Providers on National Doctor’s Day

Today is National Doctor's Day and physicians are healthcare heroes, deserving of every round of applause, moment of thanks, and words of gratitude we can collectively muster.
In honor of these brave professionals, The Delta Companies joins the chorus of patients, dignitaries, officials, and others to say, Thank You for Your Service.
As America celebrates physicians by observing National Doctor’s Day on Monday, March 30, we’re all reminded of the crucial role these professionals are playing every minute of every day during the global Coronavirus pandemic. There’s no shortage of stories about exhausted physicians pushing on after long shifts to help more patients, or doctors who are riddled with fear and worry that they can’t do enough to help.
Or about how some are challenged constantly to find innovative ways to get the most of out of woefully limited supplies.
The role of the doctor has changed in a lot of ways since National Doctor’s day became an official American holiday in 1990. This is a time that will define healthcare for the 21st Century, and spotlight just how selfless, compassionate, and brave doctors truly are.
Today, and every day, we are grateful for all of those little kids who wanted to be doctors when they grew up…. and were successful in fulfilling their dreams.