Forbes Names Delta Healthcare Providers One of America’s Best Recruiting Firms

The Delta Companies (TDC), a leading healthcare staffing firm for providers nationwide, announced that Delta Healthcare Providers (DHP) has been named one of America’s Best Recruiting Firms on the prestigious Forbes 2019 list. DHP, which represents both temporary and permanent travel, allied, and nursing healthcare providers, is a business unit of TDC.
The companies selected for inclusion on the Forbes lists were curated from surveys in which peers and clients provided feedback. Forbes, in partnership with Statista, rated companies in two categories, Best 200 Executive Search Firms and Best 250 Professional Search Firms. DHP was named to professional search firm list.
“To be recognized by Forbes is a glowing achievement and we are proud of the efforts our team has made,” said Ryan Anholt, executive vice president of DHP. “We thank our healthcare clients and providers for their positive feedback, which ultimately spotlights and celebrates the hard work and success stories of our team.”
For the two lists, Forbes considered more than 17,000 nominations and analyzed the answers of approximately 6,300 survey respondents.
In 2017 and 2018, TDC was named by Forbes as one of America’s Best Professional Recruiting Firms.